Monday, January 16, 2012

Official Launch!

I'm here to get started!

You know what the problem with asking advice is? No two people can ever seem to agree.  It wasn't all that different when it came to this blog.

I'm a creative soul and like to do things in a fun-spirited, creative sort of way.  Rules and I were never friends and my kids taught me everything I know about being scheduled.(more on that a different time) But if there's one thing I hate it's blogs that start and stop sort of like NYC traffic. So if you're here this is my commitment to you: I will do my utmost to update every day before midnight (barring extenuating Mommy circumstances!) And here's what you can expect:

Mondays: Meal planning, recipes and table talk  (and yes, the first Monday post is below) 
I don't know about you but my kids have changes made to their taste-buds weekly. They loved mac and cheese last week and Sunday nobody touched it. They all went to bed without dinner claiming they weren't hungry and I nearly cried. So Mondays I'll talk about what works for me and I hope to have some of you guest blog about what works for you. How do you do dinner? When and how do you eat? More on that later.

Tuesdays: Putting those Products to test
Trust me, this won't reading like those boring and drab product reviews. Nothing in my life is boring and drab so this should be a fun read. And hey-- you may find something you really like. Eventually, this'll be where you'll get a chance to win some great gifts so stay tuned.

Wednesdays: Challenge Me!
Challenge Me! I'd love to hear your family's #1 challenge. This doesn't have to be something dramatic (though who doesn't love some drama?) but can be one of those annoying little itches that you can't figure out how to get out of your life. I don't promise to have all the answers but I do promise to try.

Thursdays: From Toddlers to Teens: Teachable Moments
Parenting is my passion and something I feel is a true learning experience. Once a week I'll take you on my parenting journey and let you in on all those dumb mistakes I made and more importantly, how I continue to dust myself off and keep at it......cuz I do love my kids!

Weekends: Shop is closed for family :)

Weekends I'll be taking a leave of absence to spend time with those who matter family.

Now that you have the schedule down pat, go ahead and read!

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